12 maaliskuun 2020

Update on the coronavirus situation

Dear valued customers and business partners,

The coronavirus is spreading fast all over Europe, and it seems likely that the same will happen in other countries around the World, in the weeks to come. The situation is very serious both from human, economical and business perspectives.

The latest development in Denmark is that the Danish government in order to limit the spread of coronavirus, has implemented new guidelines which pose significant restrictions on the daily conduct of most businesses. We see that similar measures are being implemented in other countries as well, and we in NTG will of course follow the local governmental guidelines in the countries where we are active.

In NTG we are constantly monitoring the evolving situation and we are strongly committed to mitigate any potential impact on the supply chains and operations of our customers while ensuring the safety of our employees. Therefore, we have implemented precautionary measures on all our sites, including the introduction of home workplaces, separation of teams and individuals as well as cancelation of all non-vital physical meetings and traveling.

Even under these critical circumstances we continue with full operation and we are striving to work closely together with our customers and partners to get through this crisis in a safe, efficient and responsible manner.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to your local NTG contact if you have any questions in this respect.